Friday, 9 November 2012

Are we remembering?

It occurred to me today that I take so much for granted with regard to the freedoms we have in Australia. I don't think about it often, and for that reason I am so glad that Sunday is Remembrance Day. Once of the themes of the day is that our freedom as a nation is due in no small part to the fact that men and women gave their lives, and I am the beneficiary of that.

This morning I heard that these people went to war without knowing me or my family. There is nothing that I could have done to make myself appeal to them, that would cause them to go for me directly. Yet they went, and I am better off for it. Surely the least I can do is remember that.

Yet the heroes of wars, past and present, are not the first to die for my benefit. There is another who, with my benefit directly in his mind, laid down his life for me. Jesus went to the cross, knowingly, willingly, as a perfect substitute for me. I should have been there. That was my fate. To die. Because I've turned away from God and tried to do things my own way, my payment was to be spending eternity paying off my choice to go my own way. Separated from God.

However, before I'd done anything to even start to think about turning in God's direction - long before I was even alive - he took the initiative. He made the way for my debt to be cancelled. Forever. It was in the form of his son, Jesus, dying in my place so that I no longer had to pay for my sin. It was all done without me having to approve anything, work for it, strive for it, make resolutions about it or burn myself out trying. I had no part in any of the solution.

All I have to do is accept that I have turned from God to try things my way. That makes me a sinner, and I have to face that fact.
Then, I have to acknowledge that Jesus' death on the cross was God's way of providing a substitute - a sacrifice - for my sake.
I have to ask Jesus to live in me. To change me, my attitudes and selfish claims to my own life. I need to make him not my first priority, but my only priority. Let him choose the direction of my life.
Finally, I have to live life. With Jesus at the helm, not me. It is the least I owe him, given that he gave his perfect life for me.

Can I do it? No. As soon as I try to do it, I fail. Why? Because it's in the me trying that my problem lies. So each day I ask that he guides me and shows me the way I should live for that day.

So, as a result, remembrance day is everyday. While I appreciate - and don't for a second minimise - the sacrifice of the Diggers who gave their all for us, every day I remember the sacrifice of one who is perfect. For my benefit.

And I am glad.

Monday, 5 November 2012

A handbreadth

Tonight I got a handbreadth away from this guy.

This photo of Angus, a 12-month old steer, was taken yesterday, when he wouldn't let me closer than a metre (the grain we gave them yesterday might have helped...)

Tonight, I scraped the last of the grain from the bucket into my hand and held it out for him. He came that close!

It's funny how the brain makes connections. I considered the things that fit across a hand: a baby chicken, a tennis ball, the universe...

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand,
or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens?
Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket,
or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?

This is from Isaiah 40:12, and reminds me, when I'm so close to an animal that could fling me aside without blinking, that there is a God who cares for me, provides for me and loves me - all the time.


Monday, 6 August 2012

Why do I love living in Tassie's North West?

Last week at Providence Meadows, Mel posted something very similar to this. I've taken a few photos recently and also wanted to try and explain why I love living here. Apart from the amazing community we've found, the following hopefully gives a pictorial glimpse into my thoughts...

Sentries: some of the Plymouth Rocks
Frost on our yellow pastoral animal!

Sunlight through morning fog and pines


Front yard
Frozen birdbath

Rain streaks

Moon rise

Gorgeous place.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

The heavens declare the glory of God

God used bright colours to paint yesterday's sunset!

As is usually the case with this kind of thing, a mobile phone camera just doesn't do it justice...

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
- Psalm 19:1-4

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Red Sky in the Morning?

What does it mean when there's a red sky in the morning?

Shepherd's warning? Sailor's warning?

Whatever it means for the possibilities of the weather, which changes almost daily, there is one thing that I do know: the sun is there. It rises faithfully each morning according to the pattern set for it. It will set again each evening. It drives our climate and so, whatever the day-to-day weather, there is a reassurance of stability.

How is the weather in your life? Is your circumstance sunny or stormy? Whatever your situation, there is one thing I know: the Son is there. He has risen and is faithful. Even more reliable than climate, he is unchanging. He brings joy and peace. He is our reassurance of stability. Why not ask him to drive your life's climate?

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Leather Jackets, Sunlight and Prayer: Distractions and Reminders

My leather motorbike jacket smelled so good this morning!
And the sun was so bright!
And I need to constantly and consistently start my day with God.

What ties all the above together?
This morning I was running right on the knife edge of punctuality and lateness. I don't know about you, but things can get a little hectic for me when that happens. (Actually, more often that not it's my fault, so there is no blame in this for anyone but myself...)

Pulling on my motorbike jacket, the smell of leather was an instant reminder of the joy of being on the bike.
I smiled.

Pulling out of the driveway, the sun was directly in my eyes, a vivid orange, glowing intensely through the misty curtain of rain between us.
I love sunrises. I squinted.
Then I smiled.

It arrested me this morning that, pulling myself out of bed, I need to actively decide to spend time with God.
First thing.
Recalling the Son rise that has happened. For my sake.
Remembering that He has clothed me, not with leather as protection, but Himself. It's His fragrance on me, not the smell of cow. Or me.
I squinted: I don't do this anywhere near regularly enough. I allow busy-ness to distract me. Not good.
Then I smiled: He has graciously reminded me. I enjoy time with my maker.

What distracts you from quality time with God?
What do you need to do about those distractions?

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Winter Wonderings

Recently I submitted this photo to a website, reflecting on the Winter Solstice.
Some leaves have fallen, exposing arboreal skeletons. Other leaves are primed. Some staunch hangers-on remain green even on this shortest day, reminding us of the promise of spring on the day the solar tide turns from its ebb.

During the past few days I've been thinking about why I like winter. This morning it was the ice in the birdbath outside, the still air and the frost. For a month or so now I've noticed the sunrise, and some have been spectacular. Our woodheater is in near-constant use at the moment, and I love it!

What does winter mean to you?

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Fog or Son: where are you looking?

This morning, patches of fog presented themselves as I rode to work. Travelling toward the sun as I rode, it was quite glary at times, and difficult to see through. I noticed that my visor, jacket and jeans collected moisture, remaining on me as evidence of the fog through which I'd travelled.

As I looked at the fog, my destination blurred. Once I recognised this and set my sights back on the destination, my journey became clearer.

It occurred to me that, often in life, I get distracted by the fog around me. Too often I turn my gaze toward the fog: my schedule, tasks, relationships, various roles I fulfill, temptations. More than I like to admit, I actually pursue the things within the fog. In addition, I carry some evidence on me that I've been through fog.

Things become much clearer when I return my gaze to the Son in my life. The fog is still around, but my direction is clear.

Are you looking at the fog or the Son?

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A promise of things to come

Riding east this morning, piles of dark cumulus were gilt. The intense brightness would soon flood my view. For now, though, the golden tops of the clouds were the deposit afforded by the sun, my promise of things to come.

In my life, dark as my heart can be, I live with a gilt edge (not an edge of guilt!). It is the deposit of God's Holy Spirit in me, afforded through the obedient life of Christ. My guarantee is that one day Jesus will return for me. It is my promise of things to come.

"[God] set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." 2 Cor 1:22

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Australia's pivotal moment: have we learned from our mistake?

What a picture! There are a few variations kicking around, but they all carry pretty much the same wording, reminiscent of the political change that gave Kevin Rudd the Prime Minister's job in 2007.

Right now we, Australia, are at a potentially crucial pivotal point in our history and, in the near future, we may have the chance out of seemingly nowhere to rid ourselves of some very suspect legislation that would cripple us (more on that below).

For the past four years we've had a (minority) Labor government split in two which, about a year ago, experienced a major upheaval when the leader was talked up and then sniped by one of his ministers. Now, the ex-leader has returned the challenge; on Monday, caucus will vote on the (new?) leader of our governing party. There is so much wrong with this party leading our nation (if indeed it was actually this party leading our nation in the last year or so).

In the past year, Ms Gillard has sided with the Greens. This party, born out of good intentions a few decades ago at the Franklin river, has lost its green focus and has descended into the party where it seems anyone can have their say for the sake of social "progress". The carbon tax is (currently) possibly the biggest and most dangerous thing for our nation's future and, despite Ms Gillard's assurances that it would not see the light of day (my words), it is nearing reality for us. The reason for this? Without the support of the Greens (who drove the deceptive legislation - yes, that is my descriptor, and with good reason), Labor couldn't govern. To retain power, an alliance was made that has disillusioned many about the state of the current Labor party.

Australia stands to pay in excess of $3.5 billion per year for carbon credits. These are to be purchased so that we can offset our guilt for "polluting" the atmosphere with carbon. We buy these credits from countries who are supposed to employ carbon capture and storage procedures (the largest of which is to plant trees). Some of these nominated countries, however, have governments rife with corruption or are impoverished. I wonder:

  • Will my carbon credits come with an ironclad guarantee that my guilt money has been used to plant x trees in Laos?
  • How many other countries have adopted or look like adopting a carbon pricing scheme? (Hint: the answer is less than 1).
  • How much will the global temperature drop as a result of Australia's bankruptcy under this legislation?  Figures at the time of the legislation's initial lower house passing put it at around 2/1000 of a degree Celsius.

The Greens are in a very precarious position. If Labor remains divided, the Greens could well lose the power they currently hold over the nation. Is it just me or have they been quieter than usual in the past day or so? Who would they rather see at the head of the Labor Party?

If, after Monday, the Labor Party cannot unite behind its leader, we may very soon be asked to vote in a general election. This could be our chance to repeal the carbon tax legislation by not voting for the Greens or Labor. It could well be the only chance we ever get to avoid the devastation sold to us as "reform".

Have we learned from 2007's "change"? Is it really working for us? Has it ever done so?