Thursday, 11 August 2011

The Left-Handed Whopper and Other Distractions from the Truth

So back in 1998, for a joke, Burger King (Hungry Jack's here in Australia) took out an ad in the USA Today for a left-handed whopper. The idea was that it had all the same indgredients, but they were rotated 180 degrees so that there was a weight-bias to the left-hander instead. The date of the ad? 31st March, advertising for the 1st April...yep, it was an April Fool's joke. However...

The next day Burger King found that thousands of people had gone in to order one of the new burgers, and many had actually asked for the right-handed version. They even released a follow-up ad explaining their joke.

Interesting, isn't it, how we can so easily be wowed by something that sounds credible, exciting, promising, the latest thing, yet turns out to have no substance at all? How many of us have bought or chased something, or listened to someone, or followed a teaching that promises so much yet delivers so little, if anything at all? There was, of course, nothing new or exciting about the "new" whopper. If you'd had one on March 31st, would a left-handed version have felt different in your hand on April 1st? I wonder how many left-handers felt that special feeling evaporate on April 1st when they realised...

Life's like that; it promises so much yet, on its own, delivers so little. Jesus is different; he is able to, and does, keep his promises. Promises like I give life in abundance (John 10:10); Anyone who comes to me will never thirst, but the water I give will become a spring of water welling up in eternal life (John 4:14); Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest...(Matthew 11:28); I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6).

Jesus didn't promise bliss all the time, but he did promise strength through tough times. He didn't promise freedom from tempting moments, but he did promise grace during them.

He promised eternal life in a daily, ongoing, fulfilling relationship with him, and asks us to meet him in that relationship. He also promised there are no exceptions as to who can meet him in that relationship and begin walking with him daily.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and he loves left- and right-handers alike. Promise.

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